you're my every thing
our love will nv end

Date: Saturday, February 14, 2009
Time: 6:02 AM


tq so much dear dear men !!!! for celebrating me and shu wei's birthday !!! and oso , happy valentine's day ouhh !!! ((:


th cake !!! ((::

xie xie .. love it !!! .. hahax .. well .. veri sweet oso !! hahax .. but nvm ... have heart to bake jiu hao le .. thx thx thx ouhh!!!! ((:

wish shu wei a ver iveri happy happy birthday !!! ((: mine is tmr . so tmr den wish me happy brithday bahhx !? hehes ^^

so today went to shiok huey's hse to celebrate ar ... den ps . cos i was late .. by half an hour .. SORRY !!!! den we lyk playing and laughing toking so loud . sry ar shiok huey . is we gt dsturb until ur bro ... and thx for lending ur place to celebrate ...

thx every one EVERY dear dear for th presents !!! ((:

monday see u all la . k .

and rmb mus come post more often cos tis blog is lyk so dead .. wan rite wad jiu rite wad k ..

bb and love lots !!!